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Towards a conversion of the gaze: moving from the model of survival to the model of emergence

Potential Brain Quantum invites a conversion of the gaze, in order to appropriate our reality and get out of the model of survival and therefore of repetition. Free from our shackles and our mental filters, we open up to the emergence of new potentialities of being, behaviors, and unleash internal images connected to our deep desires.


Images come from the memory code. The information is both in our body of flesh at the cell level and in our vibrational field. The field will depend on our beliefs and our psyche. This means there are two realities, one internal, coded, and one manifested, physical.  


Potential Brain Quantum brings a change of paradigm because it works directly on the information of the vibrational field, making it possible to lift the brakes and limiting beliefs anchored in the cells and to transmute all the information of the field.


By changing information, therefore the internal image, a transduction takes place and causes the internal image to pass from an electric, internal unit, to an electro-magnetic, external unit, in the form of events. We do not believe what we see, we see what we believe.

So we no longer vibrate what we no longer believe and we get out of repetition.

By having the field free of all the beliefs that compartmentalize us, we propel into matter experiences that connect us to our internal images, without resistance and without force.

We become creative rather than reactive.

“Insanity is behaving the same way and expecting a different result.”
Albert Einstein

Brain Quantum 

Potential Brain Quantum is a new scientific discipline, founded by Pascale de Gail Athis, physicist and transdisciplinary researcher, which analyzes, synthesizes and models the interactions between psychology, biology and the laws of physics. It demonstrates that matter patterns are a reflection of mental patterns that are driven by biological consciousness. It is a science of consciousness.

Potential Brain Quantum corresponds to quantum physics applied to the human sciences which highlights the theory of rupture in the face of a new paradigm: the model of emergence.

Potential Brain Quantum reveals that our resistance to change is linked to several factors:  

  • Our reality is influenced by limiting beliefs from our genetic (heredity) and epigenetic (terrain influence) inheritance transmitted via our biological matrix but also by the laws of physics.

  • The archaic model or Darwinian laws: the satisfaction of primary needs linked to survival, lack and separation (to feed, to be safe, to lose what we have acquired, etc.), which are certainly essential but reductive and which prevent us from project in another direction and keep us in inertia.

  • The model of survival or Newtonian laws that have shaped our habits and behaviors since the post-industrial era: the principle of repetition, resistance to change, the law of the strongest, effort and obstacles to achieve one's goal on a straight line already drawn, force vs energy....  


These laws have not been updated in our daily lives despite advances in quantum physics (principle of vibrational field, thermodynamics, law of total gravitation, multi dimensions, etc.).

This model of survival which allowed us to stabilize ourselves, to deploy ourselves from a framework and a structure, has achieved its goal.

Today this model has become too small. We are at the point of saturation of this model and the broadening of the collective consciousness is narrowed in a matrix which constrains and limits it to duplication.

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