My approach
The company, like the human body, is interdependent on its cells and its environment. If one or the other fails, the whole balance of the system can be threatened, like a house of cards.
The company is a living organism that has its own DNA and system of thoughts, commonly called purpose and values, and which can mutate and renew itself, just like the individual.
Some values and beliefs are still relevant and acquired forever, others are obsolete and need to be released to make way for another vision, other paths of evolution, free from any resistance to change.
The common sense of the company must be sufficiently inspiring and the individual action stimulated so that the individual desires and can deploy within it.
Today, a common vision that would be limited to growing indefinitely with the sole compass of achieving financial goals is no longer relevant. The collective seems to be moving naturally towards a broader, more integrated and contributory action with regard to the ecosystem on which we depend.
My action is to support individuals and organizations wishing to embark on this path of transformation and contribution by removing the resistance separating them from their choice. Individual first, to reflect on the collective.
By being aligned on their axis, motivated and propelled from within by their deep desires, both the company and the individual are expanding, having the field free of any hindrance, brake, bias, limiting belief. They become attractive through the force of their conviction.
Thanks to Potential Brain Quantum, I identify the beliefs and resistances that separate them from their goal and their desires.
I stimulate change by taking them out of repetitive, so-called reassuring patterns, to promote the emergence of new visions, behaviors and actions.
If one point moves, everything moves. Be that moving point.