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Unleash the potential of change makers to accelerate their deployment and contribution to the ecosystem through neuroscience.


Reconnecting essence and action

Do you want to drive change and contribute to a new paradigm? 

Do you have a vision of an activity or project but you doubt of yourself, your abilities, your legitimacy, the direction to take? 

Do you encounter professional struggles and are you facing a purpose crisis? 

Have you started a transformation process within your company and would you like to be supported in removing the obstacles you are encountering?


It may have to do with limiting beliefs and traumas from the past that are sabotaging you and preventing you from unfolding.


Potential Brain Quantum (PBQ) allows you to transmute memories anchored at the cellular level that influence your behaviors and reproduce the same experiences.  

Free yourself from beliefs, resistance to change, past experiences, emotions that have made you who you are today but which no longer serve you and prevent you from moving towards what really inspires and motivates you.  

Disconnect from the mental filters that separate you from who you really are and open your field to allow the deployment of latent and unsuspected potentials.

"Everything the individual desires depends on the authorization he gives himself to achieve it and not on the efforts to get there ."
Pascale de Gail-Athis



Une session en psychobiologie quantique va combiner une approche corporelle (pour activer des zones cérébrales, corrections musculaires, points de méridiens) et informationnelle (mémoire cellulaire, biochamp, psychisme).

Le travail sur la mémoire cellulaire va désencoder les croyances limitantes et leurs informations toujours actives dans l’ADN. Un code inscrit dans le noyau des cellules est à l’origine de récidives d’expériences douloureuses du passé.


Je stimule le changement en douceur en sortant les individus de schémas répétitifs, dits rassurants, pour favoriser l’émergence de nouvelles visions, comportements et actions.

Julie N., Entrepreneuse

« J'ai été accompagnée par Muriel pendant une année afin de travailler sur des blocages anciens qui me freinaient ou m'empêchaient dans les domaines professionnels et personnels de ma vie. J'ai vu des changements fondamentaux grâce à cet accompagnement. Au-delà de sa compétence, Muriel est quelqu'un de très à l'écoute, ouverte, bienveillante. J'ai beaucoup appris à son contact et je la recommande chaudement. »


Are you an impact entrepreneur who creates new models and wants to free yourself from your limiting beliefs to accelerate your deployment? Are you a leader driving a transformation process in your company who wants to remove the resistances that hinders change?
I accompany you with individual or group sessions.


10 cité de trévise 75009 Paris France

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